
Bend the Docker modules to your will.

Port mapping

Advanced Docker commands

Docker install

It is best to follow the official Docker instructions for installation.


Direct links:

Warning: Check first what every command does before executing. Commands might be outdated.

Add current user to group docker on Linux systems. This prevents the need of typing sudo before every docker command.

sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER

Docker machine (ip):

base= &&
  curl -L $base/docker-machine-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) >/tmp/docker-machine &&
  sudo install /tmp/docker-machine /usr/local/bin/docker-machine

Docker machine bash completion:

  for i in docker-machine-prompt.bash docker-machine-wrapper.bash docker-machine.bash
    sudo wget "$base/contrib/completion/bash/${i}" -P /etc/bash_completion.d

Useful Docker commands

sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER  # add current user to group docker on Linux systems (Ubuntu)

docker build . -t foo/bar  # build docker image
docker run -it foo/bar  # run build docker image and enter interactive mode
docker run -p 5550:5550 -it foo/bar  # same as above with mapping Docker port to host
docker-compose up  # run docker-compose.yml
docker-compose build / docker-compose up --build  # rebuild images in docker-compose.yml

docker image ls  # show docker images
docker container ls  # show docker containers
docker exec -it pyzmq-docker_pub_1  # enter bash in container
docker attach pyzmq-docker_sub_1  # get
docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' pyzmq-docker_sub_1  # get ip of container

To detach the tty without exiting the shell, use the escape sequence Ctrl+p + Ctrl+q

docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)  # stop all CONTAINERS
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)  # remove all CONTAINERS
docker rm $(docker images -q)  # remove all IMAGES